Programming Research -- Please Participate
I want to see how C and C++ programmers solve a simple programming problem, CircularBuffer. There are no tools to set up. You will work on my cyber-dojo system. It has a build environment and a simple IDE.
Here are some of the instructions you will find when you do the exercise
Objective --------- Write a CircularBuffer and make sure it works. Requirements ------------ * A CircularBuffer is sized during create. * It stores integers. * It is FIFO. * It can report its total capacity * It can report if it is empty * It can report if it is full * Putting to a full CircularBuffer * loses no prior values * returns false * Getting from an empty CircularBuffer returns a default value provided during create function. For this exercise, do not worry about: -------------------------------------- * Null pointers * Concurrency * Memory allocation failures CircularBuffer Diagram ---------------------- Starting point -------------- The CircularBuffer interface is defined in CircularBuffer.h. You must develop your implementation to that interface. The architects said so.
If you are interested, please send an email to 'research AT wingman-sw DOT com'. I will send you an invitation to participate.
Let me know if you usually use a unit test framework. I'll have one there ready for you to use. If you do not use a unit test framework, no worries. You'll test the code as you see fit.
Published: January 05, 2018
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