TDD for Embedded C/C++
Date entered:
2024-10-02 17:15:07 UTC
Course rating:
Very Good
Most useful learnings:
The actual process of working with TDD. Beforehand I knew it was about writing tests first but it seems much more powerful/sensible than that.
Concepts v exercises:
Good balance
Presentation v discussion:
Good balance
Course improvements:
My C++ isn't the best and so I did spend a bit of time grappling more with C++ than practicing TDD but that is mainly my fault as this is a C++ course.
(as a bonus my C++ is now much better than before the course :) )
Exercise rating:
Very Good
Exercise improvements:
Perhaps more boiler plating so that I could focus more on writing tests and implementing new features. Gain though, if my C++ was better then this might be much less noticeable.
Instructor comments:
Really engaging, both in the recorded sections as well as the live bits!
Better prepared:
Bring it on!
Start tomorrow:
For some parts of what I do. For full-stack components I will need to have a think and some research if TDD can be applied to front end dev work. Perhaps with something like selenium/robot framework etc
Challenges to applying:
Slightly slower initial dev time. The business side might not like this as usually the tests are the first thing to be cut when there is a tight deadline. Doing the tests first/during means that they cannot be cut in the same way. It will need to be proven that TDD is faster overall.
Other comments:
Legacy code workshop:
Recommend to others:
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