• Course: TDD for Embedded C/C++
  • Date entered: 2024-07-04 17:22:06 UTC
  • Course rating: Very Good
  • Most useful learnings:
  • Concepts v exercises: Good balance
  • Presentation v discussion: Good balance
  • Course improvements:
  • Exercise rating: Very Good
  • Exercise improvements:
  • Instructor comments:
  • Better prepared: Bring it on!
  • Start tomorrow: Yes! My company is moving towards having a unit test framework already set up on our projects, so it will be fairly easy for me to incorporate TDD into my workflow.
  • Challenges to applying: One big challenge is that our embedded compiler is very slow. So I may end up taking slightly larger chunks than would be preferable in a TDD environment in order to minimize compiler usage. Another challenge is that we haven't fully incorporated a unit test framework for our GUI development yet. But this is something we're working on overcoming so I don't anticipate it being a long-term challenge.
  • Other comments:
  • Legacy code workshop: No
  • Recommend to others: Yes
  • Quote permission: Yes