TDD for Embedded C/C++
Date entered:
2024-04-05 17:23:08 UTC
Course rating:
Very Good
Most useful learnings:
TDD working loop, refactoring, clean tests.
Concepts v exercises:
Good balance
Presentation v discussion:
Good balance
Course improvements:
Exercise rating:
Very Good
Exercise improvements:
Check correctness of the exercises! There was some misleading instructions in the light scheduler exercises (or comments/videos contradicting the exercise instructions - I mean the "current state" and "what to do" was contradicting). Also there's even no link to cyber dojo in 3.6.
Instructor comments:
Better prepared:
Bring it on!
Start tomorrow:
Already started
Challenges to applying:
I guess to me biggest challenge would be helping others to start doing it
Other comments:
Legacy code workshop:
Recommend to others:
Quote permission: