TDD for Embedded C++
Date entered:
2023-08-30 19:47:44 UTC
Course rating:
Most useful learnings:
Getting used to testing early and often instead of waiting for the very to test and try to solve the errors then.
Concepts v exercises:
Good balance
Presentation v discussion:
Good balance
Course improvements:
I think the course was taught very well, maybe slow down a little bit when presenting the code during the lecture part
Exercise rating:
Exercise improvements:
Maybe give better instructions on what is required for the exercises, they were a bit confusing at times
Instructor comments:
Great instructor, very passionate about the subject and always willing to help out.
Better prepared:
Much better
Start tomorrow:
Yes, I am currently working on a C# project and I am taking it step by step so now I can implement TDD while developing my code.
Challenges to applying:
No challenges that I can think of. I have a good idea of TDD now
Other comments:
Legacy code workshop:
Recommend to others:
Quote permission: