TDD for Embedded C
Date entered:
2023-01-12 11:21:43 UTC
Course rating:
Very Good
Most useful learnings:
While I have been using NUnit and Ceedling for about a year, the approach to develop the test cases in small steps is something I don't do, is more in "bigger steps".
I do believe that TDD is very helpful both during development and in maintenance; I have had to do releases for which I am confident QA tests will fully pass because I already have the test cases in place for the code.
Concepts v exercises:
Good balance
Presentation v discussion:
Good balance
Course improvements:
Personally I struggled a little with the mocks.
Exercise rating:
Very Good
Exercise improvements:
As mentioned, I did struggle with the mocks, when first started the exercise I didn't know what to do because the concept was not fully understood.
Instructor comments:
Better prepared:
Much better
Start tomorrow:
Yes, already using it, it is a matter of slowing down and do little steps.
Challenges to applying:
TDD is largely applied, so there is buy-in. The biggest challenge is that the projects I work in are legacy, so all test cases are implemented (as explained in the training) as new features or changes to the code are done; following this we already have hundreds of test cases covering a lot of the code.
Other comments:
Legacy code workshop:
Recommend to others:
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