TDD for Embedded C
Date entered:
2022-11-28 03:27:42 UTC
Course rating:
Very Good
Most useful learnings:
Start testing your code at early phase of development so that it can catch potential bugs at very early phase.
Concepts v exercises:
Good balance
Presentation v discussion:
Good balance
Course improvements:
Try to get an idea what the team exactly doing (like project platform, language used, tool etc) and plan the course accordingly.
Exercise rating:
Very Good
Exercise improvements:
Not to bind it to specific framework and make it as per need basis.
Instructor comments:
He was good in presenting his ideas, shared his valuable knowledge and was always keen to answer the queries.
Better prepared:
Much better
Start tomorrow:
Yes. Even I am doing it.
Challenges to applying:
I find it difficult to fit any generic TDD framework to fit in SOC specific project.
Other comments:
It was a nice experience.
Legacy code workshop:
Recommend to others:
Quote permission: