TDD for Embedded C
Date entered:
2022-07-28 12:56:42 UTC
Course rating:
Very Good
Most useful learnings:
I think the most useful thing is how to use the Mock/fake module to simulate the HW register or memory operation.
Concepts v exercises:
Not enough exercises
Presentation v discussion:
Good balance
Course improvements:
Maybe more various exercises are useful to help us to be familiar with TDD more quickly.
Exercise rating:
Exercise improvements:
I think how to create a Mock/fake module is very important, but I don't have any idea how to do it.
Instructor comments:
Nothing. I think the instructor did very well to lead us to learn TDD.
Better prepared:
Start tomorrow:
No. I have to get more familiar with creating Mock and fake modules for the TDD test.
Challenges to applying:
Our legacy projects were for the embedded system. We have to fake or Mock the HW for our front end and back end side and lots of register/Sram operations.
Other comments:
It will be better if the session time can be scheduled to fit a suitable time for both us and the instructor.
Legacy code workshop:
Recommend to others:
Quote permission: