Course code: VOL-1
  • Years with company: 3 years
  • Years programming: 3 years
  • Primary programming language: Python
  • Other programming languages: C and CAPL
  • Unit test harnesses: Indigenously developed verification framework.
  • Something else: Have more than 10 years of experience in the field of embedded systems as a developer for 3 years and as a tester for the rest.
  • Test practice now: By manually comparing the actual and the expected behaviour.
  • Target system: I hope this information is confidential, so I do not want to disclose.
  • Dev tools: Visual Studio Code
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: PEP 8; KISS;DRY;SOLID
  • Function too long: When it tries to handle more then one operations or intentions
  • Code reviews: I review the code as if I'm writing a code again
  • Code time: 40
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 30
  • Favorite thing about dev: Demands logical thinking and enforces standard way of doing things.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: extended documentations
  • Tdd knowledge: write an automated test case that defines a expected behaviour, then develop the minimum amount of code to pass that test, then refactor the code to acceptable standards.
  • Why are you attending: Reverting as a developer after a couple of years so this training could be a good recall.