Course code: WEB-19
  • Years with company: 1
  • Years programming: 30
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C#, Haskell (rarly), Java (long time ago), Python (beginner)
  • Unit test harnesses: Boost, Google, Microsoft, Qt (a little bit)
  • Something else: I'm 44 years old, married, and have two kids. I will try to do this course from home and hope this will work somehow.
  • Test practice now: Google and Qt tests cover around 60% of our very large code base. Many of these test cases are not unit tests in a narrower sense but are integration tests. The remaining tests are done manually using a GUI client.
  • Target system: We develop for a Linux platform with arm v5 and v7 processors. The device is a management console for cooling controllers (if that's the right term in English).
  • Dev tools: Qt Creator, Git
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: We have some coding guidelines and while they are not many rules these rules are followed by everyone. I personally tend to the point of view expressed in the very good book "Clean Code". Code is good if and only if it is readable.
  • Function too long: As mentioned above I consider code as good if it is easy to read. So, most of the times a function that has more than 5 to 10 lines is starting to get too big.
  • Code reviews: If branches are merged and it is nontrivial, a review is made.
  • Code time: 25
  • Test time: 25
  • Debug time: 50
  • Favorite thing about dev: Creating new things, letting the computer do (hard) work automatically.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: It often takes longer than you think it should
  • Tdd knowledge: I started using tdd 5 years ago but most of this time since then I had to work with un-testable code. Read some books and articles about it.
  • Why are you attending: I have met no-one who is really convinced of tdd. I'd like to exchange experience or discuss tdd challenges and how to solve them. And I would like to this using concrete example code.