Course code: WEB-18
  • Years with company: 2
  • Years programming: 10
  • Primary programming language: Python
  • Other programming languages: C, C++
  • Unit test harnesses: pytest, nose
  • Something else: I'm trained as a scientist, but have moved over to the hardware and software development side of research.
  • Test practice now: My calculations/scientific software is thoroughly tested generally with comparisons against known values from the literature and image tests to ensure that plots are working correctly. My embedded code... not so much. C being my second language I'm less familiar with the testing capabilities.
  • Target system: My target systems are instruments that are deployed to collect data in the field, generally stm32 based (some are propeller based).
  • Dev tools: PyCharm/CLion (same tool really), eclipse based tools, atom
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: Some projects use proper linters, others rely of manual enforcement of things like the Barr Group's standard.
  • Function too long: When it is doing more than one complete thought's worth of work or we need to scroll through it.
  • Code reviews: On projects with multiple people (not nearly all of them) we have a mandatory review by at least one other dev before merging.
  • Code time: 50
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 30
  • Favorite thing about dev: It's a wonderful puzzle to solve that creates results in the real world and helps save manual effort.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Battling rapidly changing stacks when supporting a long term product.
  • Tdd knowledge: It encourages that testing code describing the functionality of the operational code be written first, verified to fail, then the operational code gradually created until the testing code all passes.
  • Why are you attending: I want to spend less time debugging and finally learn the testing harnesses for C/C++.