Course code: FOS-1
  • Years with company: 2
  • Years programming: 6
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: Python XML Makefile
  • Unit test harnesses: Don't know.
  • Something else: FW engineer. Focussing in R&D. My main responsibility are investigating and implementing new feature for our product.
  • Test practice now: Create test cases to test main functionalbility (normal operation) of the driver/module. In my point of view, create abnomal test cases will take a lot of time since it will need many test cases, so I just test if the functionality of the driver / module are working correctly. Doing self review the code / the design of the driver / module to find out if any corner case that cause the system running incorrectly/unstable.
  • Target system: Embedded system
  • Dev tools: IAR
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: Mostly following Misra C standard.
  • Function too long: If it is hard to remember the flow of the function when reading it, especially when the function has many nested conditional statements.
  • Code reviews: Doing self code review to find out if any corner case that cause the system running incorrectly or unstable based on the design and limitation of the driver / module.
  • Code time: 50%
  • Test time: 20%
  • Debug time: 30%
  • Favorite thing about dev: Investigate and implement new feature.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Debug and fix issue of another developer.
  • Tdd knowledge: Just general information.
  • Why are you attending: To have more information about the TDD, and apply to our work to make the testing process more effectively.