Course code: CARBON-2
  • Years with company: 1
  • Years programming: 17
  • Primary programming language: Python
  • Other programming languages: C, Perl, shell (bash, ksh)
  • Unit test harnesses: Catch, CUnit, CppUnit, CppUTest, gtest, JUnit, nose
  • Something else: I'm currently an automation engineer, but also have many years of experience as a developer (writing primarily C code in more recent years).
  • Test practice now: Functional gray-box tests.
  • Target system: Linux (CentOS, Red Hat, ...)
  • Dev tools: cscope, ctags, gcc, vim
  • Build time: 2-4 hours
  • Coding standard: PIP cstyle (in the past)
  • Function too long: It becomes difficult to understand and difficult to test (particularly when thinking about negative/unhappy path tests).
  • Code reviews: Gitlab MR, Reviewboard, or other code review tools.
  • Code time: 25%
  • Test time: 60%
  • Debug time: 15%
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like solving interesting problems and writing software allows me to have the computer do the less interesting part of that work for me.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Unclear requirements. Legacy spaghetti code (followed by un-peeling the onion).
  • Tdd knowledge: As a development process, it emphasizes considering how to test the correctness of the software before writing any code.
  • Why are you attending: I enjoy learning new techniques and ways to improve my own workflow and skill set, and enjoy opportunities to grow/improve as an engineer whenever those opportunities present themselves.