Course code: DYNON-2
  • Years with company: 10
  • Years programming: 36
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C and some C#
  • Unit test harnesses: cpputest
  • Something else: I get flustered with not knowing how to do something correctly. For instance, use of mocks in cpputest versus test doubles, versus blah...the waters get a little muddied on what to do, and then I do something that often feels ugly and messy.
  • Test practice now: I do unit testing most of the time. I tend to do it after the fact though. I write some code, do some debug and manual test iterations to get it working, then write unit tests to cover the use cases.
  • Target system: target is SkyView app running under linux on custom hardware. Sometimes the target can be an app running on an arm processor that communicates with SkyView over a serial or USB interface.
  • Dev tools: QT Creator, GDB, make, printf, cpputest, sometimes other IDEs to build software for different processors, etc
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Well, we don't really have one per se. But we enforce some things through code reviews which have become pretty rigorous.
  • Function too long: When it starts getting hard to read or does more than one thing, and is not one of the main processing loops
  • Code reviews: See above! I think we do pretty well at code reviews.
  • Code time: 20
  • Test time: 40
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: it's always interesting. You try to stay a step above the changes you are making by thinking through the impacts, but just when you think you've got it handled, you get your hand slapped. Always keeps you on your toes. I like programming new chips.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: The dauntingness that I sometimes feel around trying to wedge something in to legacy code.
  • Tdd knowledge: I like the concept, except for actually doing it the as prescribed! I love having all the unit tests and getting to say that I don't think this change requires any additional manual testing.
  • Why are you attending: I'd like to learn how to use the different tools correctly so that I can apply them in a clean manner. I want feel that my unit tests are clean and well written rather than ugly and messy.