Course code: DYNON-2
  • Years with company: .75
  • Years programming: 5
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C, C#, Python, Java, Bash
  • Unit test harnesses: Visual Studio Testing Framework, Google Test, CppUTest
  • Something else: I enjoy rock climbing.
  • Test practice now: A combination of running our CppUTest suite and manual testing.
  • Target system: An STM32 Microcontroller running no OS.
  • Dev tools: vim, Visual Studio Code, gcc, gdb, valgrind, eclipse, openocd
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: Its mostly a set of tribal rules and best practices we all try to follow. We don't have an official codified standard but I try to follow ISO C++ Core Guidelines
  • Function too long: When I forget what it is supposed to do in the process of reading it.
  • Code reviews: All developers on a team are encouraged to participate in code reviews. A given PR cannot be merged unless it passes all Unit Tests in CI and has been approved by one or more developers and blocked by no one.
  • Code time: 30%
  • Test time: 20%
  • Debug time: 50%
  • Favorite thing about dev: The feeling of accomplishment of solving a complicated problem with no previous known solution. Bringing order to chaos.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Spending hours looking for a problem in the wrong place because my initial assumptions about what to look for were wrong.
  • Tdd knowledge: It reduces re-occurrences of the most common errors developers introduce into code bases.
  • Why are you attending: I want to be able to write less shitty tests and see what "good" tests look like.