Course code: BLUE-2
  • Years with company: 2.5
  • Years programming: 12
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: Python, C#, C, Java, Rust (Learning)
  • Unit test harnesses: Too many to count. Mostly Pytest and CppuTest lately
  • Something else: I used to work as a Software Tester for the Xbox360 Kernel and in-field Software-Update.
  • Test practice now: Not TDD :( I like to setup an integration workbench project alongside the product code and use that to drive general test development (Both Integration and Unit). Then once interfaces are stable I'll spin up a formal unit-test project and move my unit-tests over there.
  • Target system: Embedded Multi-Core Real-Time Network Device
  • Dev tools: C++ (Product), Python (Integration Testing), VIM, VSCode, Markdown + PlantUML (for documentation), Gitlab, Jenkins (CI/CD), Pytest (Integration Testing), CppUTest (Unit Testing)
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: We have a mature company-wide coding standard that no-one really uses. (I try, but ultimately my standard is to blend-in and improve with existing code)
  • Function too long: When I can't understand what it does/how it works in a single readthrough.
  • Code reviews: Gitlab Merge Requests Yo!
  • Code time: 10
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: Where to begin? The feeling of building out a system of interchangeable self-contained software lego-bricks that I can quickly reconfigure and adapt to solve an ever-increasing set of real-world problems.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Just how bad we are as an industry at developing software. Seeing Complex, organic, unmaintainable code get written, and not having the ammunition to fight it.
  • Tdd knowledge: I've taken a C# based TDD class years ago back at MS. I remember the basics: * Don't write a single line of product code without a failing test. * Change the tests first, then only change the code needed to turn everything "green" again. ...
  • Why are you attending: Honestly, I'm just looking for a TDD Refresher. It's been long enough, and I don't normally practice TDD, but I still feel it's a good skill to keep polished.