Course code: NEPT-1
  • Years with company: Less than 1
  • Years programming: Less than 1
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: Java
  • Unit test harnesses: jUnit
  • Something else: I'm a co-op student from Auburn University where I'm majoring in Computer Engineering. I started at Neptune Technology Group about a month ago, and I'm currently on my first rotation with the company. Before starting here, I hadn't had much programming experience apart from an intro class to Java last semester, but I've already learned much in the short time that I've been here.
  • Test practice now: I add code to a main function that prints the result to stdout. Then, I'll check the printed result and compare it the expected result.
  • Target system: Bare metal systems and linux
  • Dev tools: Notepad++, Cygwin
  • Build time: Under 10 seconds
  • Coding standard: I try to adhere to Barr Group's embedded C coding standard.
  • Function too long: According to Barr Group's embedded C coding standard, a reasonable effort should be made to keep functions between 50-100 lines long, which I try to adhere to whenever possible.
  • Code reviews: Typically, every team member is added as a reviewer for pull requests. Two approvals are needed before merging to the master branch.
  • Code time: 25
  • Test time: 5
  • Debug time: 70
  • Favorite thing about dev: I enjoy finding unique and creative solutions to difficult problems. Every day provides me with new challenges to meet and opportunities for self-improvement.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Sometimes it can be tedious or repetitive.
  • Tdd knowledge: Very little to none.
  • Why are you attending: My team believes it would be a valuable learning experience for me. I'm eager to learn and hope to gain a lot from this training.