Course code: WEB-1
  • Years with company: 1
  • Years programming: 4
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C, Java, Python, BASH
  • Unit test harnesses: JUnit, and some C++ unit test framework from university
  • Something else: I ski, and ride a motorcycle. Not at the same time.
  • Test practice now: Manually creating conditions to test on bench, building, loading to drive, running against appropriate test suite tests.
  • Target system: A multi-processor SSD drive, or a simulator in Linux.
  • Dev tools: SlickEdit, GIT, SVN, vim, ARM compiler
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: It is a word doc in the 10s of pages. It is fairly comparable to other standards I've seen.
  • Function too long: If it's more than a page, it's too long. Also, if there are repeated portions of code.
  • Code reviews: Reviewed in CodeCollaborator by my team members and appropriate other teams
  • Code time: 20
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 50
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like solving problems, keeping up with technology.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Spending time continually debugging everyone else's code and not writing anything.
  • Tdd knowledge: It employs a short development cycle, and starts with building a test that meets the intended criteria. Then a minimum amount of code is constructed to meet the test requirements, which is then refactored.
  • Why are you attending: The real answer is that I will take any training that is offered and has a potential of advancing my knowledge and making me more marketable. I think this class will help me be a faster and more accurate developer.