Course code: ZEBRA-5
  • Years with company: 13.5
  • Years programming: 30
  • Primary programming language: G (LabVIEW)
  • Other programming languages: C++, C and a little python
  • Unit test harnesses: The unit test harness built into the LabVIEW IDE
  • Something else: Professionally, I am a Certified LabVIEW Architect and a LabVIEW Champion. I primarily have worked on the test side of software development with an emphasis on automation. I also have extensive networking background.
  • Test practice now: Unit test individual code components. Write small test applications to test the code.
  • Target system: Primarily PC application with some RT controllers
  • Dev tools: Mostly the tools that come with the LabVIEW IDE. G is a graphical programming language and traditional text based tools do not work.
  • Build time: Under 10 seconds
  • Coding standard: We generally follow the standards set forth for LabVIEW certification. We also have naming conventions in place.
  • Function too long: Being a graphical language, any code larger that a single screen is much to large.
  • Code reviews: We generally do pair programming for more complex development and use peer code reviews for other code.
  • Code time: 40%
  • Test time: 40%
  • Debug time: 20%
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like coming up with solutions to problems. I find the design phase to be a very stimulating and creative process. I also strive to always keep re-use in mind and enjoy when code that I wrote has a long life.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Poorly written code. I see too much of it. Clean code makes everyone's life much easier.
  • Tdd knowledge: TDD is focused on defining test before code is written. The goal is to allow the test to verify that the requirements are being met and that as code is modified in the future the tests can be used to verify everything.
  • Why are you attending: Mainly a refresher. I took the class years ago when you came to Zebra in the past.