Course code: ARTHREX-2
  • Years with company: 3 months
  • Years programming: 20
  • Primary programming language: c++
  • Other programming languages: c, java, python, bash
  • Unit test harnesses: google test, JUnit, TestNG, home grown solutions with bash
  • Something else: I love motocross and mountain biking, and so do my kids. We spend time riding, and the kids race.
  • Test practice now: With unit tests, and have created functional integration test frameworks for black box testing
  • Target system: Embedded linux
  • Dev tools: Qt, python
  • Build time: Under 10 seconds
  • Coding standard: Keep my code well commented,Write unit tests to drive my code, and prefere to have frameworks in place like jenkins to constantly run and find issues. This is especially useful in environments with multiple contributors
  • Function too long: if i have to scroll through a little over a page
  • Code reviews: Currently, it's ad-hoc and will walk through the code with a peer if necessary
  • Code time: 50
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: Freedom to create solutions to problems, and to create re-usable components that can be used in other projects. I like learning about new technologies and how to apply them to make my job easier.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Can't think of anything now.
  • Tdd knowledge: That tests are created first, they fail, then you write your code and find failures, fix, iterate.
  • Why are you attending: Our scrum master signed our team up.