Course code: BIRD-1
  • Years with company: 21
  • Years programming: 38 years (Basic on a TRS-80 in High School was my first foray)
  • Primary programming language: C#
  • Other programming languages: C, C++, Java, VB
  • Unit test harnesses: CppUnitLite, Visual Studio Test Framework, JUnit
  • Something else: My first 10 years were lived in the Philippines.I am a musician, a cyclist, and a amateur photographer.
  • Test practice now: Some unit test, some manual, some semi automated integration and application acceptance testing.
  • Target system: We target multiple uC - 8 and 32 bit, baremetal, RTOS, Limux, Windows and Android
  • Dev tools: Atmel Studio, Visual Studio, GCC, a few others for legacy projects
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: C and C++ standards exist, but are sporadically enforced.
  • Function too long: When I cant read it on one page.
  • Code reviews: I would guess that <50% is reviewed. A couple of teams schedule and conduct them explicitly.
  • Code time: 25
  • Test time: 25
  • Debug time: 50
  • Favorite thing about dev: Solving a problem and seeing my work run is very satisfying.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: 1. constantly changing priorities and requirements. 2. Interruptions 3. Big
  • Tdd knowledge: I have been to a seminar that you taught at an Embedded Systems Conference, and I have read your book.
  • Why are you attending: Interest in TDD and automated Unit Testing.