Course code: CARBON-1
  • Years with company: almost 2 years
  • Years programming: 20 years
  • Primary programming language: C/C++
  • Other programming languages: Python, Ruby, Bash Scripting, Applescript, Java Script, others...
  • Unit test harnesses: All home grown. Mostly python based.
  • Something else: I work remotely from NH. I am married with two boys (5 and 3).
  • Test practice now: Debug printing. End-to-end testing.
  • Target system: RHEL/Centos 6.5-6.9 and 7.0-7.4
  • Dev tools: GCC, Docker, Docker Compose, Vagrant, Virtual Box, Vmware, BBedit
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: .
  • Function too long: When it is doing many different things, and not clear what the purpose of the function is. Also another indication is if there are deeply nested if statements.
  • Code reviews: Push commits to a topic branch. Create a merge request in gitlab where we can review the code changes. Our team requires sign off of at least two reviewers.
  • Code time: 50
  • Test time: 15
  • Debug time: 35
  • Favorite thing about dev: I enjoy the challenge. I like to learn new things.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: .
  • Tdd knowledge: That you "somehow" write your tests first.
  • Why are you attending: Because I was told to! =) But honestly I am interested. I am driving an effort to share code across platform and/or products. My plan is to have shared code in one repo, and not forked into different projects. (We have a lot of forking now.)