Course code: SIOUX-1
  • Years with company: 5
  • Years programming: 20
  • Primary programming language: C#
  • Other programming languages: C++, scripting
  • Unit test harnesses: nunit, cppunit, boost.test
  • Something else: I am a happy and experienced software tester, focusing on test automation. Propagating TDD a lot, but as a tester, not really able to follow it exactly. For complete overview:
  • Test practice now: Our devs use unit tests, I do additional integration and end to end testing (automated as much as possible).
  • Target system: Currently web services, but wanting to go back into (embedded) software testing
  • Dev tools: Visual Studio, Resharper
  • Build time: 1-2 hours
  • Coding standard: We follow the CleanCode guidelines as advocated by Robert C. Martin as much as possible.
  • Function too long: If I loose the overview of the function, or if it does more than 1 thing
  • Code reviews: Varying quality... Depending totally on the person
  • Code time: 40
  • Test time: 50
  • Debug time: 10
  • Favorite thing about dev: Making a whole system move through its paces and actually check what it does (from a testing point of view)
  • Least favorite thing about dev: When non reproducible problems occur, which cause much troubleshooting or debugging...
  • Tdd knowledge: Quite a lot already, in C#/.NET context that is. In a SOA environment. Have been reading a lot on it, and watched up to episode 26 of the CleanCode series (some episodes more than once).
  • Why are you attending: As tester I can’t do pure TDD (test the test discussion). I do try to work with devs as early as possible, reviewing unit tests. I want to feel TDD, to be able to better work with devs. This will also be a refresher for me on C/C++ (going back to it)