Course code: PRAQ-1
  • Years with company: 8
  • Years programming: 8 (In addition to programming at home)
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: python, java, c++, c#
  • Unit test harnesses: cunit, cmocka, ctest
  • Something else: I have a Masters degree in Electronics: Communication and Radio Systems. Currently managing the Software Department for Nordic Semiconductor in Oslo in addition to being one of the developers.
  • Test practice now: Ideally before writing the code, but I do write the unit tests after writing the code. I also try to make a test to run the changes on target device.
  • Target system: AMR Cortex-M0/M4
  • Dev tools: Keil, gcc, cmake
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: We have adapted our own coding standard and it is close to misra c but not as restricted.
  • Function too long: When you have problems explaining the functionality of the function
  • Code reviews: We have to have a code review before the code is pushed to master
  • Code time: 35
  • Test time: 45
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: Sometimes you have interesting problems that need to be solved, and I like solving problems and debugging issues. Interesting conversations with colleagues.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Having too many people working on the same code and maintaining different products with a lot of branches. Spends a lot of time in merges and resolving conflicts.
  • Tdd knowledge: TDD helps limiting the amount of code required to achieve the specification of the goal. No "dead" code and verify if any of the existing functionality changes.
  • Why are you attending: A lot of colleagues have attended previous TDD courses and recommended doing it, especially since it was you holding the course. I would also like to get a bigger motivation for writing the tests before the implementation.