Course code: WEB-12
  • Years with company: 1.5
  • Years programming: 8
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C#, Python
  • Unit test harnesses: Parasoft C/C++Test, Unity, VS Unit Test.
  • Something else: I've spent most of my time in my current role fixing bugs and adding features to legacy code which only have manual tests running on target so I am looking forward to moving to a TDD process.
  • Test practice now: C# - Unit testing and integration testing. C - Manual testing. Started unit testing this year.
  • Target system: STM32
  • Dev tools: Keil uVision, Parasoft, Eclipse, Visual Studio.
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: Small development team with similar styles, coding standard is not really enforced.
  • Function too long: When it does more than one thing.
  • Code reviews: We use git pull-requests for small iterations then Crucible for final reviews of full code.
  • Code time: 5%
  • Test time: 70%
  • Debug time: 25%
  • Favorite thing about dev: Solving problems.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Paperwork and manual tests.
  • Tdd knowledge: The principle. I know that you start by writing failing tests that state what you expect the function to do and then you write the function to get the tests to pass and you change the tests / function as you understand the purpose better.
  • Why are you attending: I've only been introduced to TDD in the past year and it seems like the correct way that all code should be written but I find it difficult to stick with the mindset as it takes a while to see the benefits.