Course code: BARR-7
  • Years with company: Less than one year
  • Years programming: Academically, 3 years. Professionally less than 1 year.
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: Python, C++, MATLAB
  • Unit test harnesses: CppUTest
  • Something else: My job mostly consists of implementing algorithms in software to manipulate audio files.
  • Test practice now: My team currently uses CppUTest, and listening tests. We also have a dedicated QA team, who perform regression tests. I'm a new hire, so learning CppUTest is definitely in my training list.
  • Target system: Windows, Mac, Linux systems, and TI C6xxx DSP processor embedded systems
  • Dev tools: Visual Studio 2010. CCStudio
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: I follow my company's coding standard
  • Function too long: When a function actually performs more than two distinct operations that could be contained within their own functions for better abstraction.
  • Code reviews: My team uses Swarm reviews. So when I modify a file, Swarm is able to identify and visualize the difference, and my team uses that to review code.
  • Code time: 33
  • Test time: 33
  • Debug time: 33
  • Favorite thing about dev: More often than not, I get into a mental state, and laser focus while developing software, and it's a great experience.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: When the code does not perform as expected , even after I've debugged it.
  • Tdd knowledge: Ddifferent approach to standard code development. Traditionally, dev code is created, then tested against required behaviour. It TDD, it is reversed, the test modules are created first, and then the dev code is developed.
  • Why are you attending: I'm the new guy in my team, and I want to prove myself as invaluable team-member. The team uses TDD through CppUTest, and I want to be able to understand it at their level.