Course code: BARR-7
  • Years with company: 0
  • Years programming: 25
  • Primary programming language: C#
  • Other programming languages: PHP, JavaScript, C, Java
  • Unit test harnesses: PHPUnit, JUnit, C#'s Built in Unit Testing
  • Something else: I don't have a lot of embedded experience. Some Assembly 20 years ago, a lot of Arduino lately, some C here and there on Linux. Lots of higher level development experience. Doing some work with the FTDI Vinculum 2, Company product built on PIC chips.
  • Test practice now: Test my code??! What! :)
  • Target system: PIC32, and possibly ARM in the future.
  • Dev tools: Eclipse
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: It's pretty strict
  • Function too long: If you can't look at it and understand what it does after a read through.
  • Code reviews: Currently informal, but moving to Mercurial so they can be more formal.
  • Code time: 70%
  • Test time: 10%
  • Debug time: 20%
  • Favorite thing about dev: Solving Problems and making cool stuff.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Poor Documentation...
  • Tdd knowledge: I've fully embraced it at other jobs, and am a convert of it, just not familiar enough with the tools in C# and C to go back to it at the moment.
  • Why are you attending: My Boss (Jason Smith, also attending) has hopes and dreams of turning me into an Embedded developer so that he can just hire a new C# developer instead of trying to find a good Embedded developer.