Course code: WEB-11
  • Years with company: 8
  • Years programming: 10
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: when there is need: python, linux-tools and shell-scripts, Batch-Files, a little bit of html, css, java-script
  • Unit test harnesses: -
  • Something else: - startet with embedded c during apprenticeship and university (15years ago). - logger-projects (c on pic-uc) during university holidays. - embedded projects with c and statemachines (IAR-visualState), event-driven designs, ethernet, 802.14.4 protocol-stack... - skilled at version-control with subversion. - ...
  • Test practice now: Manual Tests during development and manual tests based on test lists before each release.
  • Target system: Microcontrollers, often ARM Cortex M, often STM32xy
  • Dev tools: IAR EWARM
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: A well crafted in-house standard.
  • Function too long: Depends on complexity. Generally don't like functions that do not fit on one to two screens.
  • Code reviews: Usually after first draft of concept (for each module), then concept just before coding, then after coding (with one peer). Frequency depends on work load of the company.
  • Code time: 50
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 30
  • Favorite thing about dev: software, and then having it running on the target. This step by step bringing something up from nothing with basically just a few lines of code. I like the incremental nature of small steps (in concepts, coding, svn-commits, ...).
  • Least favorite thing about dev: The environment it is embedded in (or I am actually embedded in. Don't know.): Price and time pressure, unreasonable expectations and demands. Manual procedures like going through test lists, release creation, ...
  • Tdd knowledge: I know your book (did'nt read/absorbed it thoroughly) but I think I got the concepts/ideas. Read a few other articles. Basically: - Automation - Dual Targeting - red, green, refactor - HW-Abstraction with mock's
  • Why are you attending: Tried to start TDD at the office a few times during the last few years with no serious rear cover. I kept trying... Now we can attend your course ;-)