Course code: WEB-9
  • Years with company: 1 year as independent consultant
  • Years programming: 5-10
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++, Python
  • Unit test harnesses: Google Test, Unity, CUnit, PyUnit
  • Something else: I have a wife and two daughters (2 years and 5 years). Live in a house on the west coast of Sweden. When I have free time I like having a coffee and reading some good news magazine or watching a documentary. I enjoy biking to work. On the weekends I enjoy time with my family around our house. There is always something to fix so I am never bored :).
  • Test practice now: We do unit tests in CUnit, We have developed a test framework in Python for integration tests. However these things are only used by the team I belong to. The other teams do only manual testing for their parts. Total system testing is only manual.
  • Target system: Cortex-A9 CPU
  • Dev tools: GreenHills Integrity OS and compiler
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: We have a short one. Speaks about naming and indent style (K&R)
  • Function too long: Difficult to say. When it does several things. I like to keep them below 20 lines.
  • Code reviews: The reviews focus on high level though of solution. We lag behind when stressed.
  • Code time: 15
  • Test time: 50
  • Debug time: 35
  • Favorite thing about dev: 1) Building software step by step protected by tests. 2) Writing code that is easy to understand 3) Test automation 4) A culture where people can admit mistakes.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: 1) Writing condensed code that may run fast but is difficult to understand. 2) Manual integration of code from different teams 3) Only manual testing
  • Tdd knowledge: I have read your and others (Kent Beck, Jeff Langr) TDD books. At my former job I created my own TDD-course which I held internally. I have hosted Coding Dojos where we do TDD.
  • Why are you attending: I have read quite a lot about TDD. But I want to get more hands on exercise doing it. Writing tests, writing code.