Course code: WEB-9
  • Years with company: 19
  • Years programming: 19
  • Primary programming language: C/C++
  • Other programming languages: Touched C#...
  • Unit test harnesses: NUnit
  • Something else: Educated electronic engineer, but always worked with FW in embedded system since employed by Trimble. Always with projects there we build our own HW and need to bring alive a board and/or controller from the start. As time goes by more CPU power are requested and I moved from 8-bit to 68k to Arm7 and Arm11. Mostly using RTOS OSE from Enea.
  • Test practice now: First Debugger and printf. Writing code modules to stress functions in my application. Later during develop process via NUnit and scripts stressing the application via communication channels. End face via logging when complete system is stressed.
  • Target system: Latest HW is using a ARM11 based controller and OSE RTOS.
  • Dev tools: Lauterbach debuger and gnu complier.
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: None documented.
  • Function too long: Can you overview what the function do, yes/no?
  • Code reviews: Optional to ask a colleague for help...
  • Code time: 20%
  • Test time: 40%
  • Debug time: 40%
  • Favorite thing about dev: SW are standing for more of the functionality in products which make your effort important. There is normally a short loop between idea, development and verification of idea when working with SW/FW. This is inspiring.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: There is so many ways to solve a single task, or worse design a system. This leads to endless discussion.
  • Tdd knowledge: Have not tried to embrace to scoop yet. After the course I will hopefully identify what is new and what I recognize since earlier.
  • Why are you attending: Always interesting to improve myself. Do for the first time in a long time have room for raise my eyes and focus on something new. Maybe get some argument for improvements for the whole department.