Course code: VIAVI-1
  • Years with company: 19
  • Years programming: 19
  • Primary programming language: Tcl
  • Other programming languages: C++, XML (here at work)
  • Unit test harnesses: Tcl test
  • Something else: Other than our "home grown" methods of using of Tcl unit testing, I have not actually done any unit testing
  • Test practice now: Mostly verifying that the "happy path" works and poking around a bit to cover all the code "branches" and making sure that the boundaries are satisfied
  • Target system: Tcl or QT running on a linux test instrument
  • Dev tools: git, eclipse, jam, opengrok, fedora 17, jira
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: "Emulate the way it is currently being done" to "none"
  • Function too long: To tell the truth, I do not know what hard and fast rule to apply for that
  • Code reviews: fisheye crucible
  • Code time: 75
  • Test time: 5
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like to make things work. I like the feeling of being able to design and create a working system.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Testing, but I want to learn to love it, just like I want to learn to eat my vegetables, since it seems like it is a "healthful" way to work in the long run and I might even get to like it eventually.
  • Tdd knowledge: I know why it is deemed important and the principle behind it. I have not done any compiled C++ unit tests with our embedded code. What testing IS in place with our Tcl code I am not at all sure about and would like to know what an "expert" thinks.
  • Why are you attending: It seems like a good avenue to develop a hardened and sustainable coding style. It also seems to be the wave of the future.