Course code: VIAVI-1
  • Years with company: 21
  • Years programming: 30
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C, Java
  • Unit test harnesses: CppUnit, GTest, JUnit
  • Something else: I enjoy walking, reading, bird-watching, cruising and playing tennis.
  • Test practice now: Beginning to do more automated unit testing w/GTest, after baseline CppUnit tests languishing for several years. Also, do manual unit test, incremental integration, and automated functional testing as well as SAT.
  • Target system: Telecom Tester - back-end/embedded C++; front-end GUI (Qt), sometimes two different processors
  • Dev tools: Git, Crucible, Jira
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Available (and older), not official; with some socializing of it. Code reviews help to remind.
  • Function too long: No hard fast rule, but based on size (visually) as well as size of a test bench that would be needed to test it
  • Code reviews: Crucible, usually involving 2-5 reviewers, with audience mix - those familiar/unfamiliar with code
  • Code time: 60
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 10
  • Favorite thing about dev: It's relaxing and I enjoy the element of creativity along with logical thinking.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Not much, actually except when I have to work on some one else's code or work in an area that is uninteresting to me, e.g. GUI code or data protocol analysis (L3/L4). I'm a low-level embedded software engineer.
  • Tdd knowledge: I understand it conceptually and have employed it in my thinking for many years - in terms of designing.TDD, as a tangible, would be interesting to see in action to help connect the dots.
  • Why are you attending: I'm skeptical because I've seen too many of them come and go over my 30+ years of programming. I really want to see TDD in action to BEGIN the process of finding out if there is a "there, there." Or whether my skepticism is warranted.