Course code: COB-1
  • Years with company: 10
  • Years programming: 22
  • Primary programming language: C, Python
  • Other programming languages: C++, Assembler
  • Unit test harnesses: Homebrew
  • Something else: ?
  • Test practice now: Anything from unit-test (rare as limited coverage) to full regression suite (if the change has system-wide impact)
  • Target system: Varies. Some of our code is targetted at host machines (usually Windows but on occasion Linux) but most of my work is targetted at a heterogenous embedded system with various processor types: PPC, TI DSP, x86.
  • Dev tools: MS Office and Sharepoint, Vim, our build system (which is built on top of SCons) supporting unit-tests, a non-real-time build running on Windows and the target build. CodeCollaborator is used for code reviews. In-house regression system.
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: We have one, although it is pretty lax, that is only adhered to in certain sections of our codebase
  • Function too long: When I have to use searching to navigate inside it
  • Code reviews: Certain areas of the code are subject to these but, while they do catch some bugs, they tend to degrade to debates about academic points in many cases.
  • Code time: 60
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: Coming up with a solution to a problem that is simple (Occam's Razor), maintainable and, where possible, generic.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Having to rework my implementation because someone will not sign off the code review until it has been done in they way that they would prefer, not because it would make the code any less error prone or more maintainable.
  • Tdd knowledge: Very little
  • Why are you attending: We have poor phase containment and I like the idea that unit-tests are written as part of the development process and maintained thereafter (and that is the real answer!)