Course code:
Years with company:
Years programming:
Primary programming language:
Other programming languages:
Python, Java, C#, qml
Unit test harnesses:
Something else:
Interested in design, architecting the software in a way that is easily adaptable to change
Test practice now:
Unit testing with CppUTest before merging and periodically performing integration tests
Target system:
Testing features of medical devices
Dev tools:
VSCode, IAR, QtCreator, Bitbucket
Build time:
1-5 minutes
Coding standard:
MISRA and IEC 62304
Function too long:
If the function is doing a lot more than what the name of the function suggests
Code reviews:
Reviews completed before merging code
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
You can be somewhat creative with it and I like seeing the impact
Least favorite thing about dev:
Sometimes it is difficult to jump into a project that has legacy code
Tdd knowledge:
You write a test and then code to make the test pass
Why are you attending:
Slow on work and a good intro to the concept to integrate TDD at company