Course code:
Years with company:
Years programming:
Primary programming language:
Other programming languages:
C++, Python, Javascript, Java
Unit test harnesses:
Unity, Ceedling, GTest, Jest, JUnit
Something else:
I'm Icelandic
Test practice now:
Post-hoc with heavy mocking
Target system:
STM32 series microcontrollers
Dev tools:
CMake, GCC, CLion, cpplint, sonarqube, gitlab
Build time:
11-30 seconds
Coding standard:
There is none, only a cpplint config.
Function too long:
When you've forgotten the start by the time you get to the end
Code reviews:
Two mandatory reviews per pull request, one dev, one QA
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
Experiencing the simple joy of creation, fulfilling the fundamental human need to improve our world
Least favorite thing about dev:
Working with people that don't care
Tdd knowledge:
I've read Beck's book, but haven't applied it to anything beyond university assignments
Why are you attending:
It was offered to me, and I'd like to write better tests