Course code:
Years with company:
9 months
Years programming:
14 years
Primary programming language:
Other programming languages:
Rust, Python
Unit test harnesses:
Google Test, CppUTest, Rust built in.
Something else:
I like to cook.
Test practice now:
Target system:
AMD X86 embedded, Arm V7 & V8, Alpine musl for static builds
Dev tools:
Make, CMake, VS Code, Sublime Text
Build time:
31-60 seconds
Coding standard:
I base my coding standards off the standard that the company uses.
Function too long:
If it's possible to break the work up into smaller functions then it's too long.
Code reviews:
Unless I see a major reason for a change I generally only ask probing questions make recommendations
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
Being creative and solving problems, which includes debugging.
Least favorite thing about dev:
Commenting code
Tdd knowledge:
The goal is develop tests first and then write the functions later to verify they do what you need
Why are you attending:
Company requirement