Course code:
Years with company:
Years programming:
Primary programming language:
Other programming languages:
C#, C++
Unit test harnesses:
Something else:
I have experiencein designing temperature controllers, power switching devices, thermostats etc.
Test practice now:
using debugger
Target system:
temperature controller pcb with ARM microcontroller
Dev tools:
Renesas E2 Studio
Build time:
1-5 minutes
Coding standard:
We follow company's coding standards. Try to write code that will be easly readable and portable.
Function too long:
when it's hard to read and follow
Code reviews:
Code reviews are done using DevOps.
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
I like to design sofwtare because I like to solve problems and be creative and innovative.
Least favorite thing about dev:
pressure to deliver bug-free software within short time frame.
Tdd knowledge:
It is used to create more bug-free code by first designing the test methods.
Why are you attending:
TDD course is required by my company, but I'm also courious how it works and want to learn more.