Course code:
Years with company:
Years programming:
Primary programming language:
Other programming languages:
assembly, python
Unit test harnesses:
unity, cmock, pytest
Something else:
Into gaming, hobbyist electronics and cooking/baking.
Test practice now:
Manual test cases
Target system:
Sensor data collector 32bit ARM microcontroller
Dev tools:
vscode, gcc, python, debug probes, logic analyzers
Build time:
31-60 seconds
Coding standard:
Organization coding standard focused on configuration management.
Function too long:
When it has more than one responsibility.
Code reviews:
Through, spanning from 1 day to a couple of weeks depending on the size, complexity and impacts.
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
Be able to see the outcome of my work, be it a blinking LED or data getting moved around.
Least favorite thing about dev:
Having to deal with legacy code with awkward formatting/standard/architecture.
Tdd knowledge:
Code the tests asserting behavior first, then code the modules that deliver those behaviors.
Why are you attending:
To learn more about testing while being endorsed by the company.