Course code: ZIV-1
  • Years with company: 7
  • Years programming: 12
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++, Python, Lua
  • Unit test harnesses: For small pieces of code (C/C++), cpputest and unity. Once: GTest. Python: unittest or pytest.
  • Something else: I really like learning new things related to tech and looking for useful applications related to my personal or work life. I'd like to convince my work group of the usefulness of the tests. I don't like to leave things incomplete.
  • Test practice now: Sometimes, I extract some pieces of code testable and generate some new C files to test them with some framework like cpputest. Most of the times, I need to upload the FW of the device and test the application with traces, files or I/O and oscillo.
  • Target system: I don't understand well. Arch? Tests? I want to test small SW pieces in PC (unit-testing).
  • Dev tools: IDE:VSCode Linux system Docker Doc: Markdown Style:clang-format Code complexity:lizard VC: Git
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Style: Similar to Linux kernel Limited use of globals Short length of functions Doxygen for doc
  • Function too long: First of all, common sense. Sometimes, I use a cyclomatic complexity analyzer.
  • Code reviews: I usually use cppcheck, flawfinder and lizard. We also have a human peer review in our process.
  • Code time: 30
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 40
  • Favorite thing about dev: Tangible results, continuous learning, capability of automation and increase efficiency.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Maintain certain bad-structured without test code, uncertainty of some development tasks.
  • Tdd knowledge: Test code is done before functional code. In that way, all the functions will be tested.
  • Why are you attending: The security that testing correctly, the maximum number of use cases, gives me satisfaction.