Course code:
Years with company:
Years programming:
Primary programming language:
was C#, now C++
Other programming languages:
C, pascal script
Unit test harnesses:
Unit test framework bult into Visual Studio Enterprise for .NET Framework
Something else:
My previous job had me doing as much process control as development.
Test practice now:
Will be using cpputest very soon
Target system:
stm32H745 controlled PCBs
Dev tools:
STM32CubeIDE and later VS Code, but hopefully it will become VisualGDB on Full Visual Studio 2022
Build time:
11-30 seconds
Coding standard:
We are supposed to use the Google coding standard
Function too long:
It takes more than one screen or does more than one real task or contains generic code go elsewhere
Code reviews:
Have not participated in one yet
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
Creating automation
Least favorite thing about dev:
Rigid enforcement of every possible design pattern that can be forced into an implementation
Tdd knowledge:
Excellent way to reduce bug risk
Why are you attending:
I do not know this framework and it is part of my onboarding