Course code:
Years with company:
Years programming:
Primary programming language:
Other programming languages:
Java, C++, C, Python
Unit test harnesses:
JUnit. PyTest, XUnit, Google Test
Something else:
I enjoy model building and gardening in my free time.
Test practice now:
Most recent projects have been completed with Python. Current technique is to describe a class and methods, it's inputs and outputs. Write unit tests for it then write the code blocks. Adjust testing if new methods or functionality are added.
Target system:
For our C++ code the target system will be an embedded system.
Dev tools:
VS Code (primarily), Visual Studio, TI Code Composer.
Build time:
31-60 seconds
Coding standard:
Have used Google style guide for Java. Have used Microsoft's C# coding conventions.
Function too long:
When it begins to take on too many responsibilities.
Code reviews:
Currently code review is done by person marked as approver of the open pull request.
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
I love problem solving with code.
Least favorite thing about dev:
Inconsistent failures and edge cases.
Tdd knowledge:
It is a method of writing test cases against requirements first before fully developing code.
Why are you attending:
A skill refresher. I find I always learn something new, I am looking for that here.