Course code: WEB-41
  • Years with company: 2
  • Years programming: 3
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++, python
  • Unit test harnesses: I haven't done any unit tests.
  • Something else: I am a Passionate Embedded Engineer having immense love for electronics and coding. I have two years of work experience in Software development and mastered myself in C programming.
  • Test practice now: I will write a separate module called test.c and will use member functions to test the code. To enable testing I will use Macros in my main function. If Macro is set, then the test code would work, else production code would work.
  • Target system: I am using Linux - ubuntu distribution, 20.04 version.
  • Dev tools: Visual Studio code, Segger Embedded Studio, STM32CubeIDE, MCUXpresso, Simplicity Studio.
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: Camel Casing
  • Function too long: If it has some repetitive statements.
  • Code reviews: I will thoroughly check for all corner cases in my code.
  • Code time: 40%
  • Test time: 10%
  • Debug time: 50%
  • Favorite thing about dev: Developing my own software or firmware, Isolation of functionality, design first code next.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Reading other's code.
  • Tdd knowledge: It's a good platform to develop necessary embedded skills for engineers.
  • Why are you attending: I really want to enhance my embedded software coding, debugging skills.