Course code:
Years with company:
Years programming:
Primary programming language:
Other programming languages:
Currently just C#
Unit test harnesses:
GitLab CI
Something else:
Im fairly new so I do not have that much experience with test harnesses or testing in general. What I see is that tests tend to be down in the priority list for most people.
So I look forward to learn a lot about TDD.
Test practice now:
We currently have a few MSTests. Everytime we commit something these tests are executed.
Also before committing we execute the tests manually.
Target system:
Windows PC
Dev tools:
Visual Studio
Build time:
11-30 seconds
Coding standard:
I try to use the C# coding convention by microsoft.
Function too long:
If inside the function there are parts which are meaningful enough to require a function on its own
Code reviews:
We have a small team (2 people). So usually before committing we look at the code together.
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
I like the always learning aspect of it. There is almost no day where you don't learn something new.
Least favorite thing about dev:
Unrealistic deadlines
Tdd knowledge:
Create a test first. Build logic later. Continuous growth of complexity, refactoring and testing.
Why are you attending:
I want to learn about TDD. How to use it, its benefits, how to implement it on a real environment