Course code: MEG-2
  • Years with company: 9.7
  • Years programming: 42
  • Primary programming language: C#
  • Other programming languages: C, C++, Java, Perl, PowerShell, bash, Javascript/Typescript
  • Unit test harnesses: NUnit, VisualStudio built-in stuff
  • Something else: I took a great TDD course over a decade ago, used to do TDD, now occasionally almost do TDD, but not regularly.
  • Test practice now: With great difficulty. Unit testing not included in the code base, mostly; impractical to retrofit. I often change some small piece of complex calculations, validating results is hard. For more re-usable, general, new components, I unit test.
  • Target system: Windows (desktop, some embedded stuff), and other embedded platforms (with no OS).
  • Dev tools: mostly Visual Studio, some IaR embedded workbench, some Android Studio.
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: Follow existing conventions and/or do what makes sense.
  • Function too long: I notice that a section in a function forms a logical step that could be separated out.
  • Code reviews: I asked once for a code review here, got nothing. No one has ever asked me to do code review here.
  • Code time: 6
  • Test time: 2
  • Debug time: 2
  • Favorite thing about dev: Creativity: I enjoy being responsible for good ideas that bless others in appreciable ways.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Those intractable portions of frameworks that are ill-documented and/or do not work as they should.
  • Tdd knowledge: Code a test that fails, write the code it tests so that it passes, then refactor, move on.
  • Why are you attending: I might learn some helpful tips/tools for being able to do more TDD, or possible DI/IoC for apps.