Course code:
Years with company:
Years programming:
Primary programming language:
Other programming languages:
C++, C#, assembly
Unit test harnesses:
Ceedling, NUnit
Something else:
Most experience in programming in C/C++ for Embedded systems. Started programming in C# about 1 year ago.
Test practice now:
Test cases are written in Ceedling for an Embedded C project, and NUnit for a C# project. Note that sometimes the test cases are written "after the fact".
Additional tests done by QA after a release candidate is ready.
Target system:
It is a two Embedded processor system, one runs code written in C, the other in C# running on WinCE.
Dev tools:
Debugger, simulator, demo code, test harnesses, lab tools.
Build time:
Under 10 seconds
Coding standard:
This is a legacy product which unfortunately does not follow a specific coding standard.
Function too long:
Usually when it goes beyond 150 lines; when there is repeated code that can be grouped.
Code reviews:
If code reviews are done (if at all) they are informal.
Code time:
Test time:
Debug time:
Favorite thing about dev:
I believe developing software is actually really fun.
Least favorite thing about dev:
Legacy code touched by many engineers who btw no longer work at the company...
Tdd knowledge:
Been using it for about 1 year. It is great to give confidence when something has changed or added.
Why are you attending:
Never had a formal training. I do believe it is very helpful to prevent bugs to be found late.