Course code: EDNA-1
  • Years with company: 5
  • Years programming: 20
  • Primary programming language: c++
  • Other programming languages: c python lua
  • Unit test harnesses: cpputest
  • Something else: - learned c++ at age 15 - studied software engineering at university
  • Test practice now: - some unittests written after the fact - some feature tests (python / behave, on a pi that talks to the test setup)
  • Target system: microcontroller (mostly stm32, esp32) with freertos
  • Dev tools: - iar for arm and stm8 projects - vscode for esp32 projects
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: - MISRA (I disagree, since not required by industry) - Agreement about formatting and naming
  • Function too long: - function does more than one thing - many / nested branches - a lot of lines of code
  • Code reviews: - gitlab merge requests - one or two team members review code - usually takes a few days
  • Code time: 45
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 35
  • Favorite thing about dev: Working together on a problem
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Working individually
  • Tdd knowledge: - Write failing test - Write mimimum code to make test pass - Refactor - Repeat
  • Why are you attending: I have known about TDD for a long time, but never had the opportunity to properly learn to use it.