Course code: WEB-40
  • Years with company: 0.4
  • Years programming: 6
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C, Python, R, JavaScript, MIPS and 80x86 assembly, bash, SQLite
  • Unit test harnesses: CppUTest, Python unit tests
  • Something else: I love living in the PNW, and will be in the mountains any chance I get
  • Test practice now: CppUTest
  • Target system: Glass panel displays for experimental planes & other light aircraft.
  • Dev tools: Docker, VSCode (including VSCode debugger), GDB
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: My company doesn't have one. Follow your heart and whatever's in the file you are working on
  • Function too long: If it's longer than 1-2 screens, or is trying to do too many separatable things
  • Code reviews: We use Crucible and GitHub pull requests
  • Code time: 3
  • Test time: 3
  • Debug time: 4
  • Favorite thing about dev: Problem solving/finding bugs is the best. During design, I love planning for each scenario
  • Least favorite thing about dev: When I'm stalled out by problems with my tools
  • Tdd knowledge: You plan what/how you're going to test, and use that to drive design (like how to split functions)
  • Why are you attending: It's required, but I am excited to learn more about TDD