Course code: ICO-1
  • Years with company: 20
  • Years programming: 25
  • Primary programming language: c#
  • Other programming languages: js, c++
  • Unit test harnesses: ms unit tests, jest
  • Something else: - 1 year as net supervisor, 2 years in QA, 3 years as sw dev, 15 years as sw architect/team lead - front-end, back-end, communication, tools - prev 10 years in c++/VBA, now 12 years in c# and 1 year js/react - indie game developer (ue, monogame)
  • Test practice now: old ms unit tests, custom testing tools
  • Target system: web, desktop, mobile
  • Dev tools: vs 2022, vs code
  • Build time: 2-4 hours
  • Coding standard: company freestyle, but everyone eventually and naturally synced with others
  • Function too long: it's hard to read/understand or has some flaws (side effects etc.)
  • Code reviews: we do code reviews for critical pieces/when doing changes in someone else's code
  • Code time: 5%
  • Test time: 10%
  • Debug time: 10%
  • Favorite thing about dev: cooperation with customers, feedback, visiting customer sites to see it all in action
  • Least favorite thing about dev: "management", competitive instead of collaborative environment, lack of long term vision
  • Tdd knowledge: we are only experimenting with tdd due to lack of time
  • Why are you attending: proposing agile since 2008, practicing some agile techniques unofficially for several years in team