Course code: WEB-38
  • Years with company: 1
  • Years programming: 38
  • Primary programming language: Rust
  • Other programming languages: C, C++, Clojure, Lua
  • Unit test harnesses: Rust Test, Demonstrate, GoogleTest, CPPUnit, Catch, LuaTest, Clojure.test, Gerkhin
  • Something else: One of my hobbies is producing a table-top air combat wargame called "Birds of Prey - Air Combat in the Jet Age"... check it out at
  • Test practice now: Requirements tests in Gerkhin, Integration tests in Rust Test with wrappers for target external interfaces, Unit tests in Rust Test on workstation. Test driven all the way down.
  • Target system: Mix of ARM M7 with RTOS and ARM A-series with RT-Linux or RTOS. (Large-ish memory embedded systems.)
  • Dev tools: Git, VS Code, rust-analyzer, clippy, cargo, probe-rs, lldb
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: All clippy checks, style: "rust fmt", nostd, no dynamic memory, ANSSI Guide for secure app in Rust
  • Function too long: Prefer to end up at ten lines or less. Algebraic type match statements may create an exception.
  • Code reviews: Primarily continuous with mob programming. There is a formal process for addressing certain risks.
  • Code time: 40
  • Test time: 45
  • Debug time: 15
  • Favorite thing about dev: Creating tests and making them pass. Delivering products that help people.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Being stuck doing leadership stuff that keep me from writing code...
  • Tdd knowledge: I've been using TDD since early XP days (~1999)
  • Why are you attending: To have my team hear about TDD from another voice.