Course code: WEB-38
  • Years with company: .1
  • Years programming: 5
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: Rust C++ Python Bash
  • Unit test harnesses: unittest (Python) the standard Rust unit tests thing
  • Something else: I love operating systems. I've bricked more linux installs than I can remember, and I'm fairly comfortable with the Linux manpages.
  • Test practice now: We use TDD with the built-in Rust tests. We set up cargo-watch to run the tests on save
  • Target system: Initially, it's two NVidia Jetson boards and a PC (not sure if it will be Windows or Linux)
  • Dev tools: VSCode Vim
  • Build time: Under 10 seconds
  • Coding standard: We don't really have one for Rust, our main language. Our C++ standard for vendors is in-progress.
  • Function too long: "when it does more than one thing" - Bob Martin Sometimes you have to compromise on this though.
  • Code reviews: Don't do 'em because we're always mobbing.
  • Code time: 38
  • Test time: 60
  • Debug time: 2
  • Favorite thing about dev: I get to constantly learn new things.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: How much time I have to sit in front of a computer.
  • Tdd knowledge: Mainly just the red-green-black cycle.
  • Why are you attending: I hope it'll help solve issues I've had doing embedded TDD, like step one of serial port comms.